Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alcohol 'more harmful than heroin' says Prof David Nutt

Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack, according to a study published in medical journal the Lancet.
The report is co-authored by Professor David Nutt, the former UK chief drugs adviser who was sacked by the government in October 2009.
It ranks 20 drugs on 16 measures of harm to users and to wider society.
Gavin Partington, of the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, said alcohol abuse affected "a minority" who needed "education, treatment and enforcement".
The study also said tobacco and cocaine are judged to be equally harmful, while ecstasy and LSD are among the least damaging.

Harm score
Prof Nutt refused to leave the drugs debate when he was sacked from his official post by the former Labour Home Secretary, Alan Johnson.
He went on to form the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, a body which aims to investigate the drug issue without any political interference.
One of its other members is Dr Les King, another former government adviser who quit over Prof Nutt's treatment.
Members of the group, joined by two other experts, scored each drug for harms including mental and physical damage, addiction, crime and costs to the economy and communities.
The BBC's home editor, Mark Easton, writes in his blog that the study involved 16 criteria, including a drug's affects on users' physical and mental health, social harms including crime, "family adversities" and environmental damage, economic costs and "international damage".
The modelling exercise concluded that heroin, crack and methylamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, were the most harmful drugs to individuals, but alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine were the most harmful to society.
When the scores for both types of harm were added together, alcohol emerged as the most harmful drug, followed by heroin and crack.
'Valid and necessary' The findings run contrary to the government's long-established drug classification system, but the paper's authors argue that their system - based on the consensus of experts - provides an accurate assessment of harm for policy makers.
"Our findings lend support to previous work in the UK and the Netherlands, confirming that the present drug classification systems have little relation to the evidence of harm," the paper says.
"They also accord with the conclusions of previous expert reports that aggressively targeting alcohol harms is a valid and necessary public health strategy."
In 2007, Prof Nutt and colleagues undertook a limited attempt to create a harm ranking system, sparking controversy over the criteria and the findings.
The new more complex system ranked alcohol three times more harmful than cocaine or tobacco. Ecstasy was ranked as causing one-eighth the harm of alcohol.
It also contradicted the Home Office's decision to make so-called legal high mephedrone a Class B drug, saying that alcohol was five times more harmful. The rankings have been published to coincide with a conference on drugs policy, organised by Prof Nutt's committee.
'Extraordinary lengths' Prof Nutt told the BBC: "Overall, alcohol is the most harmful drug because it's so widely used.
"Crack cocaine is more addictive than alcohol but because alcohol is so widely used there are hundreds of thousands of people who crave alcohol every day, and those people will go to extraordinary lengths to get it."
He said it was important to separate harm to individuals and harm to society.

Click to play
Government advisor Professor David Nutt likens the effects of alcohol to a range of other drugs including heroin.
The Lancet paper written by Prof Nutt, Dr King and Dr Lawrence Phillips, does not examine the harm caused to users by taking more than one drug at a time.
Mr Partington, who is the spokesman for the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, said millions of people enjoyed alcohol "as part of a regular and enjoyable social drink".
"Clearly alcohol misuse is a problem in the country and our real fear is that, by talking in such extreme terms, Professor Nutt and his colleagues risk switching people off from considering the real issues and the real action that is needed to tackle alcohol misuse," he said.
"We are talking about a minority. We need to focus policy around that minority, which is to do with education, treatment and enforcement."
A Home Office spokesman said: "Our priorities are clear - we want to reduce drug use, crack down on drug-related crime and disorder and help addicts come off drugs for good."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

teehee..kepada semua warga ipgkri..bersiap sedia untuk kembali ke maktab..

mulakan dengan semangat baru..dan azam baru..

Tehee J selamat kembali belajar.dan jadilah bakal guru yang bepekerti mulia.

Akhir sekali ,kalu nak balik maktb tu pandu cermat jiwa selamat.ingatlah org tersyg.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hari Guru Menjelma lagi...

 - Ustaz LOKO si penjaga masa -
Hari Guru ni memang tersangat SPECIAL kt IPG ni..Faham2 je la kan sini semua bakal Guru...

Ape yang best untuk sambutan tahun ni,event die lar; sukaneka(xbest sgt pn sebenarnye sebab panas)..

Untuk semua Bakal-bakal guru,disini saya mengucapkan SELAMAT HARI GURU

*letih nk fikir ape nk tulis lepas kalah sukaneka*

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Olahraga Peringkat IPG KDRI

maka hari ni bermula lah kejohanan olahraga peringkat IPG KDRI

kepada yang berbakat dan berkemampuan tu bolehlah nak masuk acara-acara yang dianjurkan seperti dibawah :

lompat kijang
lompat tinggi
100 200 400 800 1500 meter
lempar cakera
rejam lembing,
lontar peluru
100 200 400 relay

ada lagi acara yang sengaja aku x tulis kat cni dengan tujuan pelajar2 ipg pi tengok sendiri..

dengar2 ada acara tambahan (misteri nih), kena gi tengok sendiri.

oleh itu sama-sama kita meriahkan event yang sedia meriah ni dengan kedatangan pelajar2 yang ramai.

sure banyak gambar yang akan disnap pada event nih. oleh itu tanpa kerisauan dan kebimbangan, aku akan pow exco perhubungan dan penerbitan
untuk gambar2 yang terbaik...:P

and the hottest even this week : malam apresiasi seni vokal nyanyian koir dan solo. akan di hapdet tidak lama lagi. dalam usaha mengumpul material sebenarnya. -end-

-Karipap Pusing-

-Photo By Uchiha Markqim-

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Pelajar semester telah selesai menjalani PBS mereka,sekarang mase untuk pelajar semester 1...

Seawal hari pertama, kite telah menerima satu berita ngeri yang menimpa pelajar semester satu....

Kemalangan berlaku di Melaka....seorang pelajar koma dan 2 lagi terlantar dengan kecederaan tersendiri...

Sama-sama lah kita warga IPGM KDRI mendoakan kesejahteraan mereka....Doakan mereka cepat sembuh...

Mintak maaf ade sedikit prob xleh nk reply komen...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Samb... Orientering Berbasikal

haaaaaaaaa. nmpaknya inilah keputusan yang dah diketahui ramai.
dah tu post dlm blog bt ape?

ramai yang dah tau, skit yang x tau....:P

nama kumpulan saja akan disiarkan didalam blog ni,
nama ahli kumpulan carik sendiri ok.??

kedudukan dari no. 1 ->> no last
biru 1
biru 3
biru 2
hijau 3
pink 1
kuning pucuk 2
hijau 1
putih 2
kuning 1
merah 2
kuning pucuk 1
jingga 3
putih 1
jingga 1
jingga 2
kuning 2
merah 3
pink 2
pink 3
hijau 2
kuning 3
putih 3

kepada yang menang, tahniah diucapkan. kepada yang kalah boleh suruh saudara syafiq(PJ) anjur lagi semester depan.


inilah hadiah2nya...
jeng jeng jeng!!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


gaya hidup sihat!!! itulah moto kami.. yeah!!

insyaAllah pada hari ini, beberapa jam lagi actually, akan berlangsungnya pertandingan orientering berbasikal yang dianjurkan oleh geng2 pj sem 5.

oleh itu dijemput kepada semua 'penduduk' ipg untuk turut serta menonton yek. kalo yang dah balik tu nak wat mcm mana kan.

"majulah sukan untuk negara" kata mereka....

ternyata orientering berbasikal ini akan menguji ketahanan mental, fizikal, rohani dan jasmani serta ketahanan basikal itu sendiri.

jadi boleh la kalo nak tengok2 basikal yg mempunyai tahap endurance yg paling tinggi, nnt kita pakat beli ramai.

pertandingan orientering ini bukan pertandingan resing basikal seperti Le Tour De langkawi atau Le Tour De France dan lain2 yang seerti dengannya.

orientering ini lebih menekankan kepada kerjasama berkumpulan dan peserta harus memiliki IQ yang amat tinggi memandangkan terdapat aktiviti yang menduga akal dan kemahiran berfikit di setiap checkpoint.

setakat ini saja laporan untuk pagi ini. lepas abis pertandingan, akan di'update' pulak keputusannya.

kalo lambat sikit mohon dimaafkan.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Disini aku ingin mencari beberapa orang yang rajin menulis + ade connection internet yang stabil+pengguna gmail...

aku berharap ada yang berminat untuk menyambung legasi blog ipg kite ni...

sesiapa yang berminat boleh menghubungi melalui

harap maklum,salam 1malaysia